måndag 25 oktober 2010

My opinion about comenius

We have done a lot of things, for example we have been in Port Aventura and in Barcelona.
I think it was quite fun in Barcelona and we had some time to go and shop and to see Sagrada Familia. In port aventura i went on a lot of water attractions and i got really really wet. I think it was really fun. I think it has been fun to meet new people and i have got some new experiences.
I think it has been fun to have a spanish student at my house and i think it was fun to live at my friends house. My spanish and nmy english has improved and i have learnt some new words.
I think Berga is OK and it can be fun sometimes. Hope we will enjoy the rest of the days we have remaining.

torsdag 11 februari 2010


(8 torillas) Pannkakor

2 Huevos

5 dl leche

1.5 dl harina de graham

1 dl harina de trigo

0.5 cucharita de té

2 cucharadas de marharina liquida

Hacer a si

1. Batir los huevos y añadir un poco de leche.

Agregue la harina y añadir el resto de la leche y la sal.

2. Hornee las tortas hasta que se doren. Utiliza un calor medio.